We are calling on the public and healthcare professionals to start a contraceptive kōrero in honour of World Contraception Day, Tuesday 26 September. One of the most impactful ways we can mark World Contraception Day is by:
- leading your own kōrero with partners, friends, family and whānau,
- by sharing World Contraception Day resources,
- or by running your own Contraception Cafe.
What is a Contraception Cafe?
Our vision for the Contraception Cafe is to create a safe space for contraceptive kōrero (conversations) where people can take the time to learn more about the contraception options available in Aotearoa New Zealand. Research informs us that people are most likely to discuss contraception with their friends/peers and/or partners. Hosting a Contraception Cafe is an informal way for people to find out more about the contraception options available. Protected&Proud encourages health and hauora providers to run their own Contraception Cafe to facilitate contraception information and awareness across Aotearoa New Zealand.
For a successful cafe, we recommend:
- you have an incentive that encourages people to attend, e.g. a free hot drink.
- provide a welcoming space, where people can sit and review a range of contraception resources.
- have enough hosts on site to facilitate safe conversation. Note: this is not intended to be a replacement for a medical consultation.
- have resources for people to interact with e.g., posters, postcards, 3D kits, etc.
Share your Contraception Cafe with us by posting content on social media with the hashtag #contraceptioncafe or email us.
World Contraception Day Resources
Download any of our resources for your use to help mark World Contraception Day.
- Social Media – click on the image to download.
- Posters – click on the button to download
- Email footers – click on the image to download

About World Contraception Day
World Contraception Day takes place every year on 26 September. The internationally recognised day aims to improve awareness of contraception and to enable young people to make informed choices on their sexual and reproductive health.